K-ART NOW: Monthly Forum by 4482 SASAPARI > 이런저런이야기

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K-ART NOW: Monthly Forum by 4482 SASAPARI

페이지 정보

작성자 no_profile 4482 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물  (62.♡.60.177) 댓글 0건 조회 4,440회 작성일 18-09-18 23:39


We are pleased to announce that our ‘K-ART NOW: Monthly Forum’, presented with 4482’s and Korean artists, will start this September 2018.

‘K-ART NOW’ is a series of talks that will focus on introducing works of emerging Korean artists and to discuss major themes of the Korean and British art world. These will take place every month as a forum for communication between 4482 artists and its audiences.

For our first forum of this series, we would like to invite you to join us on the evening of the 24th September, in our conversation with artist Nayoung Jeong, at the Han Collection.

4482와 아티스트들이 함께 하는 K-ART NOW: Monthly Forum by 4482 SASAPARI 이 2018년 9월부터 시작됩니다.

4482의 월례 포럼인 <K-ART NOW>에서는 4482가 주목하는 한국인 미술작가들의 활동상을 소개하고, 한국과 영국을 아우르는 미술계의 주요 주제들에 대해 이야기합니다.

첫번째 프로그램으로 정나영작가와 함께하는 Artist Talk을 런던 Han Collection에서 9월 24일에 진행합니다. 많은 참여와 관심 부탁드립니다.

K-ART NOW: Monthly Forum by 4482 SASAPARI 
Artist Talk, Nayoung Jeong

7 - 8.15pm, Monday, 24 September 2018
Han Collection, 33 Museum Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1A 1LH

Nayoung Jeong is a ceramist, sculptor, and painter whose work takes form as performance and installation. Exploring identity rooted in heritage and uprooted by globalism, her process-oriented work evokes memories and questions to make the unfamiliar closer to familiar. Nayoung Jeong was born and raised in Korea, and currently works and lives in London, U.K. She received her BFA from California College of the Arts, MFA at Rhode Island School of Design and she is currently doing her PhD in Slade School of Fine Art.

* Please note this program is free of charge and will on a first come first served basis, so we encourage you to come early to avoid disappointment.

*이 프로그램은 무료로 진행되며, 별도 신청 없이 선착순으로 입장하실 수 있습니다.

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