안녕하세요. 비자헬퍼입니다.
영어를 공부하시는 학생분들에게 좋은 소식이 있어 이렇게 글을 올립니다.
기존의 B2레벨(인터미디어이상)로 Tier4학생비자를 받아야 했었는데 영어레벨A2(엘레멘터리)로 하향조정되었습니다.
즉, 학생의 레벨이 A1레벨이면, A2레벨부터 비자를 받고 영어공부를 시작하실 수 있습니다.
(CEFR A1 -> A2 -> B1 -> B2 -> C1 ->C2)
이유인즉, EnglishUK가 홈오피스의 Points Based System의 Tier 4 Policy Guidance 를 상대로 낸 소송에서 이겼기 때문입니다.
아직 이소식은 홈오피스 홈페이지에 나와있지 않습니다. 다음주 중으로 새로운 New Tier 4 Policy Guidance가 만들어질 예정이니, 현재
한국에서 레벨때문에 고민이 있으셨던 분들은 며칠만 기다리시면, 올 3월 3일 이전의 법대로 영어레벨이 인터미디어 이상이 아니시더라도
학교에서 입학허가서를 받으시는 데는 문제가 되지 않을 거 같습니다.
오늘 받은 이메일을 첨부해서 올려드릴까 합니다.
Dear Jae,
I hope that you are well. |
I am very pleased to be able to tell you that earlier today EnglishUK won the High Court Judicial Review case on English language courses under the Points Based System.
This is, of course, very good news for everybody that has an interest in the English language market in the UK, including ourselves and yourselves as our valued partners.
Tony Millns, Chief Executive of English UK, which represents 440 fully-accredited English language centres, said: "This judgement upholds our basic case that the Home Secretary was wrong to introduce a substantive change in the entry criteria for GSV students without laying that change before Parliament. "We have asked the court to rule that the English language requirement must now revert to what it was before 3 March, in other words students must be at level A1 to take an English language course at A2. This will give our 440 member centres some immediate help since many of them faced losing a damaging number of students this summer and autumn." He added: "We brought this case as a last resort, and will now seek to discuss with UKBA ways in which we can help formulate a more sensible policy which our members can support and which will contribute to immigration control. Genuine colleges have no desire to enrol people who are not genuine students. We are pleased that Mr Justice Foskett saw the merits of our case and we believe that his decision is good for the UK economy, to which the English language sector contributes about ?.5 billion in foreign earnings each year |
We are expecting that a new Tier 4 Policy Guidance will be issued in the next few days, and we will be monitoring the situation over the next few days and weeks and will be updating you as soon as we have more information. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards |
혹시 비자관련 및 영어코스에 대해서 궁금하신 부분이 있으시면 언제라도 문의주시기 바랍니다.
Jaehyun Park Education Consultant
E-mail 문의:ukcampus@hotmail.com 메신저 상담 : pjh7303@nate.com