<b><font color="#c8056a">영국 내 학생비자 신청 시 28일 이상 예치 규정 한시적 보류</font></b> > 비자

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<b><font color="#c8056a">영국 내 학생비자 신청 시 28일 이상 예…

페이지 정보

작성자 나무대뽀 이름으로 검색  (220.♡.249.213) 댓글 0건 조회 1,684회 작성일 10-10-03 16:09


9월 30일자로 홈오피스에서 변경 시행을 공지하였습니다.


두가지 변경이 있는데..

첫번째는 내년 2월 이전에(1월까지) 영국 내에서 학생비자를 신청하는 경우에는 필요한 경비(학비 및 생활비)를 28일 이상 예치하여야 하는 규정을 적용하지 않고, 필요한 금액이 있음을 보여주기만 하면 됩니다. 지난 9월 이전까지 시행하던 요령을 내년 1월까지 연장한다고 보시면 되겠습니다.

두번째는 10월 5일 이후로 비자를 신청한 학생들이 학교를 임의로 변경하는 것은 불법이라는 내용입니다. 아래 본문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.^^

Alongside the launch of the sponsorship management system for Tier 4 of the points-based system on 5 October 2009, the UK Border Agency has announced new policy for Tier 4 sponsors and would-be students.

The new policy centres on two main areas:

  1. Extending the maintenance concession for Tier 4 applicants who are already in the United Kingdom - this will help to ease the transition process for would-be students.
  2. Tying Tier 4 students' permission to stay to their sponsors, if they make their application on or after 5 October - this will strengthen Tier 4 and strengthen the United Kingdom border.

Extending the maintenance concession for Tier 4 applicants who are already in the United Kingdom

Tier 4 applicants need to have enough money to cover their course fees and maintenance. They must normally show that they have held this money for a 28-day period ending no more than one month before their application, but until now we have operated a concession allowing them to show only that have the required funds in place on the date when they apply. This concession ends on 1 October 2009.

However, we recognise that many students already in the United Kingdom will not have needed to show this money before, so we have decided to allow a longer transitional period for all Tier 4 applications made within the United Kingdom.

Would-be students who make a Tier 4 application from inside the United Kingdom before February 2010 will only need to show that they have the money needed on the day when they apply. They must still provide the correct documents to support their application.

From 1 October 2009, would-be students applying from outside the United Kingdom must show that they have held the required money for a 28-day period ending no more than one month before the date of their application.

Tying Tier 4 students' permission to stay to their sponsors, if they make their application on or after 5 October

On 5 October 2009, new Tier 4 students' permission to stay in the United Kingdom will be 'tied' to the education provider that is sponsoring them. This will bring Tier 4 in line with other tiers of the points-based system.

From 5 October, every new Tier 4 student will find their sponsor's reference number on the vignette in their passport or on their identity card for foreign nationals.

In future, if a student wants to study with a new Tier 4 sponsor and they made their last application for a Tier 4 visa on or after 5 October 2009, they will need to apply for a new Tier 4 visa. They will not be allowed to begin studying with the new education provider until they have received a decision on the outcome of their application - if they do so, they will be committing a criminal offence for which they could be prosecuted or removed from the country.

We have been asked whether students in this situation will be able to begin studying with the new education provider, at their own risk, before they have received a decision on their application. The UK Border Agency cannot condone a criminal offence, and therefore cannot advise students that this is an option for them. We will make every effort to ensure that applications from students wishing to change education provider are considered within the published service standard, so that they can move to the new education provider as quickly as possible.

If a student wants to study with a new Tier 4 sponsor, and they made their last application for a Tier 4 visa before 5 October 2009, they will continue to be allowed to change their without making a new Tier 4 application. They must, however, seek permission from us to change their sponsor.

아정말.....일부러 급하게 9월안에 신청하려고..했더니..ㅠㅠ;;..정말...이랬다가저랬다가....아.....이느므...영국....그럼..10월5일 전에 학생비자를 신청한 사람은..학교를 변경해도 된다는 걸까요??^^;;; 혹시? 현지가서 어학원이 맘에안들면 어떡하죠??
그럼 돈을 얼마를 넣어놔야 한다는 이야기죠??
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