[질문입니다]급질문)Tier 4 에서 K6 에 관한 질문입니다~!
페이지 정보
작성자 올리브 이름으로 검색 (220.♡.249.213) 댓글 0건 조회 1,562회 작성일 10-10-03 15:54본문
안녕하세여~ 저는 영국에서 BA 코스 공부하는 학생(2학년)이구여..
이번달에 비자연장 서류를 보내야 하는데..
6월에 폼이 새로 또 바뀌었더라구여...이 질문에 답을 모르겠는데여..
아시는 분들 좀 알려주세여..
K6. Is the applicant making an:
1) Initial application
2)Application for a further course of study following a course of
less than six months in length
3)Application for a further course of study following a course that
was completed longer than four months ago.
4)Application for a further course of study, where the applicant
has completed a course that was at least six months long within
the last four months; or to complete an existing course of study
where the applicant has studied at least six months of that
course and has been studying within the last four months
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