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파트너 비자 이 후 영주권 신청

페이지 정보

작성자 no_profile Cuzztiello 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물  (80.♡.32.122) 댓글 1건 조회 571회 작성일 24-03-30 19:32


안녕하세요 해피 이스터 입니다!
혹시나 저와 같은 경험을 하신 분이 있으신가 하고 문의 해 봅니다......

2 달 전 영주권 신청을 했는데 아래 처럼 메일이 왔네요. 제가 신청서류를 잘못 선택하여 다시 재신청하라고 하는 말 같은데.....FLR(M) 이 마지막 파트너비자 연장시 사용한 서류였고(back in 2021), 5년동안 파트너 비자로 있던 사람은 그 이 후 영주권 신청할 수 있는것으로 알고있어 두달 전에 Settlement Private Life 신청했습니다. 제출전에 엄청 많이 읽어보고 알아보고 했는데도 이런결과가....

혹시 파트너비자에서 영주권으로 넘어가신 분 중 신청서류 이름 기억하시는 분 계시나요,?

아래는 Home Office에서 받은 메일 본문입니다.
Thank you for your recent application for Settlement in the UK.

Your application has been made using a Settlement – Private Life application form for Indefinite Leave to Remain, which is considered in accordance with criteria laid out in Appendix Settlement Private Life which can be viewed at:
Immigration Rules – Immigration Rules Appendix Private Life – Guidance – GOV.​UK (www.gov.uk)

However, your immigration history shows that you do not currently have permission or were last granted permission on the Private Life route. You were last granted Limited leave to remain on 14/07/2021 on a Family/ Partner application.

Please refer to your Home Office decision letter dated 14/07/2021 for further information.

As you do not hold any leave on the Private Life route, it is highly unlikely that your Settlement Private Life application would succeed and result in a grant of ILR.
This is in line with the validity requirements of Appendix Settlement Private Life which state:
Validity requirements for settlement on the Private Life route
PL 11.1. A person on the Private Life route who is applying for settlement must apply online on the gov.​uk website on the specified form as follows:
Adult (aged 18 or over)
Settlement on the private life route
Child (aged under 18)
Settlement as a child (including a child aged over 18 already in the UK as a dependent)
PL 11.2. An application for settlement must meet all the following requirements:
(a) any fee must have been paid; and
(b) the applicant must have provided any required biometrics; and
(c) the applicant must have provided a passport or other travel document which satisfactorily establishes their identity and nationality; and
(d) the applicant must be in the UK on the date of application.
PL 11.3. An applicant must have, or have last been granted, permission on the Private Life route, unless they are a child who was born in the UK.
PL 11.4. An application which does not meet all the validity requirements for settlement on the Private Life route is invalid and may be rejected and not considered.

Accordingly, we would like to give you the opportunity to review your application. If after you have reviewed your application, you choose to submit a further application on another route, please advise us as soon as possible and this will be treated as a variation.

Please note, if you wish to vary (change) your application, you will need to submit the correct application for route you wish to apply for within 14 days 13/04/2024 pay the application fee, and resubmit your supporting documents. Once you submit a correct application a refund will be processed for the incorrect application.

If you choose not to have your Settlement application varied or do not reply within 14 days 13/04/2024 of the date of this email, your application may be rejected as invalid under the validity requirements above and will not be considered.

When you have a unique application number (UAN) for the new submitted application, please advise us by email at: LivsetAAHub@homeoffice.gov.uk

If you require further advice about your eligibility under the Immigration Rules, visit our website at www.gov.uk/uk-visas-immigration.

If you are unclear about your choices, you are strongly urged to consult with an accredited Immigration Adviser for further guidance.

Yours sincerely,
  • 트위터로 보내기
  • 페이스북으로 보내기


안타깝다님의 댓글

no_profile 안타깝다 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 아이피 (77.♡.95.112) 작성일

신청하신 섹션이 잘못된것 같아요…ㅠㅠ
로 하셔야 될듯…..
자세한 사항은 이민법 전문 변호사에게 상담하세요….
13/04 까지 신청서 route 변경 하시고 새로 신청비 납부하시면
먼저 신청한 비용 환급 받으실 수 있네요!!!
비자 잘 나오시길 바래요

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