[답변]Hi there, I have been to Newcastle for 4 years. > 학교/학원

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[답변]Hi there, I have been to Newcastle for 4 years.

페이지 정보

작성자 피터린치 이름으로 검색  (220.♡.249.213) 댓글 0건 조회 910회 작성일 10-10-03 19:49


And I did my
English course and postgraduate degree in Newcastle. I think it is a fantastic
place to go.

First of all, there are not many Korean students in English schools
and universities; you are able to practice your English. And there are many
universities around, such as Newcastle University, Northumbria University, Sunderland
University and Durham University.

Secondly, Newcastle is very convenient place. The city has
rewarded as the most beautiful night time in the Quayside and famous Millennium
Bridge. Moreover, there is an international airport, and easy access domestic and
European flights. Easy jet and Jet 2, two cheap flights companies are operating
as well. Furthermore, Newcastle is located in the middle south east, so using
train, you easily access to Edinburg, York, Durham, London and other cities.

Finally, living Newcastle, as far as I concerned, is not as
expensive as London, Edinburg. It is much cheaper than other middle cities as
well. Granger Market is located in the city centre where you can buy fresh
fruit, meat, vegetables with reasonable price.

Alright, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to ask me. I am happy to help.


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