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영국에 가해자를 전출시키는 학교폭력법 도입이 시급합니다..

페이지 정보

작성자 no_profile 제너럴엔티티 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물  (121.♡.187.35) 댓글 1건 조회 895회 작성일 23-12-20 14:45


Why the human rights of the perpetrators more important than that of the victims?

It seems like the human rights of perpetrators are more important than that of the victims.

I was told that I should leave the University because people bullied me which caused a safety issue on me. Throughout the course, I was bullied by both students and an admin staff.

I have to leave the university because I experience isolation and concerns over safety. This is not my will. Students evoked a safety issue to me by bullying me, but I had to take the burden by myself. They bullied me, but I have to leave the university.

In Korea, we have resolved this issue by legislating a law which turns the duty to leave the university to the perpetrators. By law, if a school violation happens, the perpetrators should leave the university instead of the victims. I think the same goes for many developed countries like the US.

Also, it seems like the UK government protect the human rights of perpetrators too much. My university doesn't share the information of reports made on me. If there's any fabricated report or evidence, I should fight against it. I have the right to get to know what's going on. I don't know what kind of reports were made to drive me out of the university. The staffs who don't disclose the information about me should be sanctioned too. I think the UK government emphasizes the human rights of perpetrators.

It does make more sense that the perpetrator should leave the university if a school violation happens continuously. It does not matter whether the person is a staff or not. If the victim should bear the burden and should leave the university, the bullying issue cannot be resolved in the UK forever.
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영국가디언님의 댓글

no_profile 영국가디언 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 아이피 (104.♡.231.254) 작성일

가장 잘 대처하시는 방법은 ;

- 각 주소지 관할 경찰서나 카운슬에 VICTIM SUPPORT라는 창구가 있습니다 ( 맨 먼저, 대학친구나 직원에게서 불리잉 당했다고 생각되시면 '외국학생 창구'에 정식으로 written statement를 faculty decan에게 쓰셔서 'special delivery'우편으로 보내시고 receipt을 잘 보관하세요 )
- 또한 어떤 패스포트를 가졌든지 비자가 있으시면, 주거지 선거구를 대표하는 MP ( members of parliament )에게 본인의 사정을 쓴 statement를 등기우편으로 보내시든지, 선거구에 있는 그 MP의 사무실로 찾아가셔서 official action 해결책을 구해 보십시오

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