[INBEST] 마케팅 및 영업 경력직 채용공고 / Requesting Sales Director > 구인/구직

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[INBEST] 마케팅 및 영업 경력직 채용공고 / Requesting Sales Director

페이지 정보

작성자 no_profile INBEST 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물  (86.♡.217.81) 댓글 0건 조회 2,527회 작성일 23-10-20 18:29


1. 구인(업무) 내용 : 아시아 지역 구매 및 마케팅 담당이사 - 1명
                        당사는 기계 관련 제품을, 주로 한국에서 구매하여 유럽으로 트레이딩 하는 회사로서,
                        아시아 지역으로 마케팅 및 소싱 지역 확장, 그리고 선박용 가구까지 제품확대를 하고자 합니다.

2. 자격조건: 영어, 한국어 능통
                인도네시아, 필리핀에 인적네트워크 있는분 우대
                업무경력 15년 이상, 동남아 장기 출장 업무 가능하신분

3. 근무위치 : London

4. 근무시작일: 23년12월 (협의가능)

5. 고용형태: Full-time, Permanent

6. 제출서류: 한글 또는 영문 이력서 (자유양식)

7. 급여조건 : 50K + Performance Bonus

8. 지원방법: 이메일

9. 서류제출시한: 27/Oct/2023

10. 제출된 서류는 일체 반환하지 않으며, 서류전형 합격자에 한해 개별 통보됩니다. 작성내용이 사실과 다를 경우 합격이 취소될수 있습니다.

1. Job description

1) Develop market and sourcing for South East Asia
2) Complies and analyses sales figures and meeting planned sales goals
3) Overseeing the activities and performance of the sales team
4) Maintains sales and activity reports for the company
5) Recruits and trains junior sales staff if needed
6) Promoting the organization and products
7) Handles sales accounts.
8) Managing import process include shipping, delivery of the products.
9) Coordinating with suppliers, control sample distribution and overlook purchasing order;
10) Meeting buyers and analyzing their needs to improve product sales
11) Planning trade marketing strategy based on cooperation with internal marketing team and customer’s
12) Sales data processing & Analysis
13) Customer visits / Sales call
14) Market visits and gathering market information
15) Travel to South east Asia frequently

2. Your Skills and Qualifications :

1) A great passion for machine & furniture
2) Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience
3) Minimum 15 years of sales experience
4) Ideally, good knowledge of the business areas of retail and B2B
5) Good teamwork with curiosity, willingness to learn, and good communication skills
6) Ability to work in fast-moving internal and external environment
7) Fluent in English & Korean
8) High level of ability to use MS Excel, Powerpoint (especially skillful using of Excel is required)
9) Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Korean and English (required)

3. Job title: Sales Director
4. Salary: 50K + performance bonus
5. Place: London
6. Starting date: Dec/2023 (negotiatable)
7. Full-time, Permanent
8. To send email:
9. Submission deadline: 31/Oct/2023
10. All submitted documents will not be returned, and only those who pass the document screening will be notified individually. If the information you write is different from the facts, your admission may be cancelled.
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등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Total 9,998건 190 페이지
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