[바텍 영국법인] Customer Service Administrator (Part-time) > 구인/구직

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[바텍 영국법인] Customer Service Administrator (Part-time)

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작성자 no_profile vatechuk 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물  (62.♡.80.84) 댓글 0건 조회 144회 작성일 25-03-13 18:09


Vatech is the world’s leading CBCT manufacturer, delivering advanced X-ray imaging solutions across dental, medical, veterinary, and industrial quality control applications in over 110 countries.

As the UK subsidiary of Vatech Global, Vatech UK is dedicated exclusively to the dental industry, providing cutting-edge imaging solutions designed to elevate diagnostic precision and, ultimately, enhance patient care. Unlike other manufacturers, Vatech designs and produces all essential components of its imaging systems—including software—ensuring unparalleled quality and reliability.

From pioneering the world’s first 3-in-1 digital X-ray system to developing high-resolution, low-radiation CBCT machines, and now introducing the latest Endodontic-specialized CBCT with an industry-leading voxel size of 49.5μm, Vatech continues to set new standards in dental imaging. Our commitment to innovation, integrity, and clinical excellence makes us the preferred choice for dental professionals worldwide.

At Vatech, we believe that “Only happy employees can make others happy.” Our people-first culture drives our success, and we look forward to welcoming passionate professionals to the Vatech family.

1. 구인(업무) 내용 : Part-Time Customer Service Administrator

2. 요구되는 영어수준 : Fluent 

3. 위치 : New Malden, London

4. 근무요일 및 시간 : Mon - Fri, 10 am to 3 pm (negotiable with 4hours excluding 1 hour lunch break)

5. 근무 시작일시 : ASAP

6. 급여조건 : £13K ~ £16K Annum (Depending on the experience)

7. 유급휴가 여부 : Calculated on a pro rata of 22days (except Public and Bank holidays)

8. 트레이닝/트라이얼 여부와 페이 지급 여부 : 6 Months of Probation period with full pay

9. 기타(해당되는 사항에 모두 기재)

9-1. 보장되는 하루 미니멈 근무시간 : 4hours excluding 1 hour lunch break

9-2. 제공/비제공 사항(ex. 고무장갑 없음 or 점심 제공 등등) : N/A

9-3. 영국 내 사업자등록 유무 : Y

9-4. NI넘버 등록 가능 유무 : Must hold a valid NI Number 

For more information, please see the Job Description attached.
Please send your CV and cover letter to accounts@vatech.uk.com

We thank all applicants for their interest, however only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
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