[Seoul Plaza 맨체스터지점] Shop Assistant > 구인/구직

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[Seoul Plaza 맨체스터지점] Shop Assistant

페이지 정보

작성자 no_profile SeoulPlaza20 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물  (217.♡.36.178) 댓글 0건 조회 25회 작성일 25-03-14 20:51



서울 플라자 맨체스트 지점에서 Shop Assistant를 채용합니다.

1. Title: Shop Assistant

2. Report to: Shop Manager

3. Salary: £12.21 per hour

4. Working hours: Full time : 45 hours per week; Part time : Zero-hours contract

5. Contract: Permanent, subject to 3-month probation

•    Valid UK working permit
·    Ability to work flexibly within a team or alone
·    Comply with all health and safety regulations pertaining to your role
·    Strong communication / customer service / organisational skills

Key Responsibilities:
·    Ensure accurate operation of shop tills, ensuring that the correct monies are received and exchanged;
·    Maintain and replenish stock throughout the store;
·    Ensure that stock is displayed in a professional and orderly manner;
·    Maintain a responsible, safe and professional manner at all times;
·    Engage and interact with all customers in a welcoming, friendly and professional manner – creating a positive and memorable shopping experience;
·    Demonstrate knowledge of the product range sold by Korea Foods Company, and when appropriate offer advice on said products;
·    Ensure the store is maintaining a safe and hygienic environment at all times through general clean as you go duties and regular housekeeping duties;
·    Provide administrative support if/when needed;
·    Be conscious of visiting customers and vigilant for any potential shop lifters, raising any issues with Store Management;
·    Comply with legal requirements including but not limited to below if you are holding a valid T4 visa:
-  20 hours in any given week during term time if you are studying a full time programme at degree level and above; OR
-  10 hours in any given week during term time if you are studying a full time below degree level
·    Full time during vacation periods and after you have finished studies (until your visa expires)
·    On an integral and assessed work placement as part of your studies
·    Any other reasonable management requests.

hr@koreafoods.co.uk 로 이메일 보내주셔요

서류 심사 후 합격자에 한하여 개별통보 드리며 접수된 서류는 반환되지 않습니다.
  • 트위터로 보내기
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등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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