간단한 학생이사 및 큰짐 이사 시간당 50파운드 * Removal service * Man & Van > 서비스광고

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간단한 학생이사 및 큰짐 이사 시간당 50파운드 * Removal service * Man & Van

페이지 정보

작성자 no_profile optimal1 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 홈페이지 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물  (2.♡.118.140) 댓글 0건 조회 44회 작성일 25-03-07 15:07


바로 여기 옵티말 이사Optimal Removal가 있습니다. 런던 지역은 물론 더 먼거리까지 (유럽지역도 포함) 저희 가족이 운영하는 비즈니스로 여러분의 소중한 소장품들을 하나하나 쉽고 안전하게 이사해 드립니다. 남서부 런던에 본거지를 두고 있으며 전문적인 기술과 경험으로 고객 한분한분께 최상의 서비스를 제공해 드림을 약속합니다. 특별한 당신, 이사도 특별하게. 저희 옵티멀 이사Optimal Removal로 지금 전화하셔서 나머지는 모두 저희에게 맡겨주세요.

We do:
- flat, house and office moves
- student moves
- full packing / unpacking service
- dismantling and reassembling of furniture
- collections and deliveries (Gumtree, eBay etc...)
- IKEA and other big stuff shopping
- delivering items that did not fit inside your car
- collection & delivery service

These are just some of the services we provide.
If you need something else, give us a ring and we'll take care of it!
If you would like a free quotation for moving house or moving office please phone on 07525730142 or 02034892846
If you like to see more details please visit our website - www.optimalremovals.co.uk

- Outside London - please call for a quote.
- International Removals- please call for a quote, we are happy to do a long distance work.
- Prices are always agreed by the time you make a booking. No surprises later.
- Congestion Charge may apply
- All goods in transit are insured for 10.000 pounds.

Below is a list of our man with a van removal prices:
- 1 man + LWB Luton Van from 50 pounds per hour minimum booking required
- 2 men + LWB Luton Van from 75 pounds per hour minimum booking required
- 3 men + LWB Luton Van from 90 pounds per hour minimum booking required

- Our charge starts when the van arrives at the address.
- All Vans are equipped with removal blankets, trolleys and GPS systems.
- All goods are handled carefully and moved with no damage.
- Up to 2 passengers are welcome to travel with goods.
- Last minute, same day, late evening work not a problem.

Important stuff - to make your move stress free for both you and us
- to book we will ask you to send a text message with date, time, departure and destination address.
- if you live on a small road packed with cars all the time please make sure there is a parking space- van is 8 meters long.
(blocking it with rubbish bins usually works)
- and please split the weigh between boxes (books etc)
  • 트위터로 보내기
  • 페이스북으로 보내기


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Total 7,260건 3 페이지
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