[영국인 튜터]Experienced English tutor + proofreader offering classes in London > 과외/레슨

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[영국인 튜터]Experienced English tutor + proofreader offering classes in Lo…

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작성자 no_profile Chris732 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물  (84.♡.245.112) 댓글 0건 조회 455회 작성일 25-02-04 01:18


안녕하세요. 영국인 선생님이 학생을 모집하고있습니다.
4년간 중국에서 동양인 학생들을 가르치신 경험을 가지고 계시고, 누구보다 성실하고 책임감있게 수업을 이끌어주실겁니다. 자세한 내용은 아래 영문을 확인해 주세요. 감사합니다.
Hello, my name is Chris Campbell, I am from the UK, and I am an English tutor/proof-reader with over 13 years experience as a private tutor/trainer in the UK and overseas.

I can teach English GCSE, English literature, IELTs, entrance exam preparation, business English, everyday English fluency, and more.
As a tutor my focus is on the student becoming confident and comfortable in their proficiency. I aim to have each student speak as often as possible in classes whilst following bespoke training materials created by me to suit the level and interests of my students.
My prices are from £17 an hour for classes up to two people and £25 an hour for groups of three or more (no limit on group sizes). I welcome students of all ages and abilities.

I can travel throughout London or have classes online.
If you have any more questions please feel free to ask. Add me on Kakao: chris918991, or if you prefer you can contact me by email at cpcampbell0491@hotmail.com.
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