[영국이 싫다]please,help me about internet problem. > 영국일기

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[영국이 싫다]please,help me about internet problem.

페이지 정보

작성자 시간을돌리고싶은.. 이름으로 검색  (220.♡.249.213) 댓글 0건 조회 2,458회 작성일 10-10-03 13:18


Sorry, I can not use Korean letter. Because I am in the school.

Two days ago, I moved my homestay house. before move homstayhouse, I suggested a few homestay conditons to school.

It was consisted of 'Internet access'. However, When I arrived to new homestay house, hosts had only their

boadbands. They have no wireless. So I was confused. because I can't live without internet.

I don't know what should I do. can I put wireless router on the house? I searched for internet.

There is so many words about connecting internet. For example, Wi-Fi, Mobile broad band, Wireless, router...

But I don't understand What it is...

and If I use mobile broad band, can I use skype video chat in my laptop? I heard mobile broad band is expensive

and It is limited.

Please, help me.....I need your help.

you only need to buy a wireless router and connect it to the physical broadband line. You don't need to upgrade the internet through the service provider nor the land line company. The router only acts as transmitter/receiver between the computer and the broadband line. Normally, once conncected to wireless you shouldnt have any problems connecting to Skype. Hope this helped
결국 옮기셨네요.예전에 남자데려와서 밤새 혼자소리지르는 퍽 상큼한 성적취미를 가진 여자플랏메이트때문에 좀 멋적은 경우가 있었는데..저도 밖에 있으면 한글을 못쓰니 영어로 영사 들락날락 하는데,한국싸이트서 영어쓰면 욕먹을것같은 그런암묵적인 제한때문에 좀 거리끼죠. 그래도 여기서 영어쓰기연습 적극 장려하는 입장입니다.영어는 장소가려 써야하는 제한때문에 우리가 일상생활서 영어가 버벅거리는지도 모름ㅎ전에 유튜브에서 영어댓글사이에 한글로?는데 욕안하던데요? 뭔말인지 모르니까ㅎㅎ
how 'sexy house' you live in.
Cheers mate, very many thanks ^^
first of all, it could be a bad idea for you to place a router in your homestay since the house isn't owned by you. you don't wanna be rude to them, do you ?

I would advise you to use mobile broad band. I don't know exactly what it is. but that's the only way you can do . isn't it ? otherwise.. there is no way.

Oh Hi,Without being too rude to you,I have a different thought.it should be fine unless you do a physical damage to the property itself? I do not undetstand why setting up your own internet should be construed as being impolite, especially when the host family is not very helpful? With all due respect,who cares as long as you keep the facilities within your room. Having said that,there is an alternative option,like you just said, to have a mobile broadband.It works out 30 plus pounds a month with Vodafone,and you have a free laptop with built -in modem.Mind you, usually 24 months contract
right. here's why I think that it's thought to be rude.

you know that some English, prolly the majority of them, are quite sensitive in their belongings . ok.. yes. permission.
I suppose that you will ask permission to set it for sure. then that wouldn't be rude.

hmm. yes.. this probably is so essential that everyone knows..

oh hold on.
they will probably answer to your request like "if you don't like this house. you are free to leave". if they don't wanna be bothered.
...and you know that placing such thing could be a burden to them, don't you. hmm.. wait.. then you leave.. NP
correct me if I am wrong.

a report I read shows that 45% of domestic house won't get the internet by 2020 or something. I am not quite sure these figures but it is a bit of surprising how they don't wanna get bothered by the internet.

HM.. oh yes. every single house couldn't afford it... but the internet still remains :D:D
Seriously? I do not think they will say such a horrible thing just for that, anyways, do the statistics invariably represent a cross section of the population?
영사 영한혼용 추진위원회에서 나왔습니다ng. 영국까지와서 한글만 쓰기보단 , 죽이되건 밥이되건,밀가루수제비가 되건, 시때장소공간을 불문하고 영어융단폭격을하다보면, 때가되면 Angel in Blue가 내게 찾아올 그날, 어느 한가인한 한날 Angel과 손에손잡고 영어나라로 승천할 기회가 주어지지 아니하겠습니까?
Practice makes Perfecto !
그렇게만 하면 정말 영어나라로 승천할 수 있을까요?ㅋㅋㅋ
아뇨 여기가 영어나라여서 더이상 어데로 가야할지 막막하기만 하군요.
오늘~도 걷는다 ~마는 정처없는 이 발~길.
발길을 돌리려고 바람부는데로 걸어도,
돌아서지지 않는것은 미련인가 아쉬움인가
나그네 설움은 끝이 없어라
무선인터넷라우터는 대략 4-50파운드 할텐데 인터넷비용을 추가로 내지 않으니 그 집에 오래 계실 계획이라면 가장 경제적인 방법일텐데요, (주인이 사서 달아주지 않겠다한다면,..) 대신 인터넷비용은 주인이 이제까지 내던대로 똑같이 내지만, 라우터를 설치하는것이나, 님이 인터넷을 쓰면서 주인집 인터넷속도가 떨어지거나 그런것때문에 싫어할 수도 있겠죠. 그럴경우엔 라우터를 주고 나가겠다(왜냐면 한국돌아가시거나 다른집으로 옮기실때 대부분 인터넷이 되니까 실제로 님이 나가실때 더이상 라우터가 필요없을 가능성이 크자나요) 뭐 이런식으로 네고를 해보면 될거 같아요
you'd better buy a modem stick from mobile companies such as Vodafone
?25+15 top-op can download 3GB
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