Korean adultery actress sentenced (옥소리 씨의 BBC 기사입니다) > 영국일기

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Korean adultery actress sentenced (옥소리 씨의 BBC 기사입니다)

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작성자 아노스 이름으로 검색  (220.♡.249.213) 댓글 0건 조회 3,168회 작성일 10-10-03 12:54


Korean adultery actress sentenced

Ms Ok apologised for stirring up a controversy

One of South Korea's best-known actresses, Ok So-ri, has been given a suspended prison sentence of eight months for adultery.

She admitted the offence and the court suspended the sentence for two years.

The trial took place after Ms Ok failed to get the constitutional court to overturn the strict law that makes adultery a criminal offence.

In her petition she said the law was an infringement of human rights and amounted to revenge.

According to the BBC correspondent in Seoul, John Sudworth, the scandal has kept South Korea's tabloid newspapers and internet chatrooms buzzing for months.

'Damaging to social order'

South Korea is one of the few remaining non-Muslim countries where adultery remains a criminal offence.


Enacted in 1953; initially applied only to married women

Constitutional Court upheld the law in 1990, 1993, 2001 and 2008

But the judges' support for the law has gradually declined. The law's repeal would require backing of six of the court's nine judges - in the last case, five judges backed its repeal

Hundreds of people are charged under the law every year, but only a few dozen are jailed

Supporters of the law claim adultery undermines the social order, and say the law protects women's rights in marriage

Its opponents claim the law is often abused as a means of revenge or securing greater financial divorce settlements; and say in reality those who suffer under the law are most often women

A person found guilty of adultery can be jailed for up to two years.

More than 1,000 people are charged each year, although, as in this case, very few are actually sent to jail.

The law has been challenged four times, but the country's top judges have always ruled that adultery is damaging to social order, and the offence should therefore remain a crime.

In this case, Ms Ok was sued by her former husband, Park Chul.

She admitted having an affair with a well-known pop singer, and blamed it on a loveless marriage to Mr Park.

The 40-year-old actress sought to have the adultery ban ruled an inconstitutional invasion of privacy, and in a petition to the Constitutional Court, her lawyers claimed the law had "degenerated into a means of revenge by the spouse, rather than a means of saving a marriage".

But the adultery ban was upheld, and judges in Seoul have now given her an eight-month suspended sentence, and her lover a six-month suspended term.

"I would like to say I'm sorry for stirring up such a controversy," Ms Ok said after the court judgement.

According to a survey carried out last year, nearly 68% of South Korean men and 12% of women confess to having sex outside marriage.

South Korea is one of the few remaining non-Muslim countries where adultery remains a criminal offence.
'Love' is being exploited by insincere dodgy people when they want to betray and break marriage vows.
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68 - 12 = 56 은 어디로 사라진것인지 충격적이군요. 그럼 다시 계산을... 12 * 6 = 72 . 그러므로 대략 6 male : 1 female 의 관계가 성립하는 걸로 가정할 수 있습니다. 다시말해 결혼한 1 female : 결혼한 6 male 이것 역시 충격적 이군요. 답은 혼전 계약서를 작성 하는것이 어떨까 합니다. 한국서는 모르겠고 미국서는 효력있고 영국서는 효력 없습니다. - 다만 영국법이 ' Case Law'인 관계로 3명의 Magistrates (Bench)나 Judge가 혼전 계약서 참고는 하는 경우도 있다고 합니다. i.e. 누가 더 재산형성에 기여했나, 서로 몇년간 살았나 등등, 애들 딸린 경우는 영국인 경우 주로 여자쪽이 자녀 양육권것 쪽으로 무게가 실린다고 합
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어제 하루종일 BBC에서 옥소리 얘기를 마구마구 해 대드군요... 젠장~
영국남자친구가 뉴스에서 이거 봤다고 굉장히 관심있어하더군여. crime for passion치고는 처벌이 심하다고 하더군여. 한편 한국은 moral해서 좋다나..그 뒷 배경을 잘 모르니...하여튼 영국사람들한테는 굉장히 놀라운 일이져. 이런게 큰 문화차이 같아여.
내주변사람들은 한명도 이거 언급안하던데...; 해봤자 별로 좋은이야기도 아니고 해서 안꺼내는건지.ㅋ 아 글읽고나서 나는 이 찝집한 느낌은 뭘까요...-_-... 껄쩍지근...;
메트로인가 어디나왔다고 한달전에 외국인 친구가 말꺼내더군요 ..아 ㅠㅠ 어제도 물어보던데...
근데 정말 간통죄로 감옥에 가는 경우가 있었나요? 그게 형사법에 위배가 되나요? 아님 민사도 감옥가나.. 보통 간통죄로 고소한다는 말은 들었어도 실제로 징역살았다는경우는 첨들어 봐서요..그리고 옥소리의 진술에 의하면 남편이 자기돈을 마구 쓰고 빚도 져서 거짓말도 많이 하고 신뢰를 저버리는 행동을 결혼생활동 많이했다고 하던데요 박철이 옥소리가 바람피는거에 비하면 백배 더 큰 잘못을 한거 같은데 왜 옥소리만 형벌을 지도록 판결이 났을까요?
최근 몇년간의 판례에 따르면 거진 간통죄는 집행유예 선고가 내려지는 경우가 대부분 입니다.. 한국 법상 간통 협의로 고소할려면 죄을 입증 하는것도 쉽지가 않죠.. 그리고 대한민국은 법치 국가이기때문에 법의 테두리 안에서 판단을 합니다.물론 박철씨가 사적인 생활이 물란했다고 옥소리 측에서 말씀 하고 있으나 명백하게 법의 잣대에서 어긋난건 옥소리씨의 간통 협의이기 때문에 법적인 문제가 되는거겠죠..아무튼 박철 옥소리 본인들보단 딸이 받을 상처가 안타깝네요~!!
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